How To Cleanse Crystals
When we use crystals for energetic healing, our ability to detect energies increases. And we soon learn our crystals themselves need healing and recharging too.
Crystals collect our emotions, pain, and energies to create a positive place for our souls to soar free.
Every time we touch them, every word that we speak in their presence, and every time we call on them during a sacred healing session, they’re performing the blessed service of rejuvenating and restoring us.
That’s why it’s so important we do our part to replenish their energetic reserves.
Cleansing our crystals not only gives them back energetic life. It also nurtures our relationship with them, solidifying the special bond that we have with these sacred spirits.
Not all crystals like to be cleansed the same way, though.
Similarly, you may find that certain cleansing and recharging methods of your crystals resonate better than others.
So, below I have gathered a list of some of the most popular and powerful ways to cleanse your crystals and to make sure all of your crystals stay at their optimum health and ready to continue healing our energetic bodies.
Sunlight Cleanse

When it comes to cleansing methods of crystals, there is none more natural, or powerful, than the Sunlight Cleanse.
It’s important not to overdo it, though.
In general, I recommend Sunlight Cleanses on your crystals of no more than 30 minutes.
Extended exposure to direct sunlight can and will fade most crystals over the course of months, weeks, or even hours. That is because the sunlight which passes through them is performing such a powerful cleanse.
All crystals are arranged in very precise geometric patterns, which is what gives them their stunning beauty.
However, when we use crystals to absorb negative energy, or when we simply leave crystals on their own over time, these geometric patterns become slightly obscured.
Light passing through the crystal acts like a comb, or sandpaper, and realigns the crystal back to its original design.
But just like you wouldn’t want to comb your hair for hours or sandpaper your walls for days, you don’t want to leave crystals exposed to sunlight for extended periods.
How to perform a Sunlight Cleanse:
- Find a place outdoors on a sunny day or an area of your house, which receives a fair amount of sunlight.
- Prepare your space with sacred intentions, candles, incense, mindfulness, or any other ceremonial practices that resonate with you.
- When you’re ready, set the crystal or crystals in the spots you have designated and leave them there to soak up the sacred vibrations of the Light. During this time, be very conscious of your thoughts and words as all of your energy will be imparted into the crystal during this cleansing period.
- Throughout the Sunlight Cleanse, be sure to rotate the crystal or crystals so that their entire surface receive equal amounts of sunlight.
- Once your Sunlight Cleanse is complete, simply bless the Light for its precious cleansing power and close the ceremony in whatever way feels right for you.
The Sunlight Cleanse method can be used with any stone when exposure to the Sun is limited to 30 minutes or less.
For longer periods of exposure, certain stones may begin to fade, including:
Full Moon Cleanse

For times when you need an exceptionally intuitive, feminine, or psychic boost of energy imparted into your crystals, you may want to consider an overnight Full Moon Cleanse.
The moon, and particularly the full moon, embodies the most divine feminine energy in our night sky.
So it only makes sense that you would want to recharge some of your strongest crystals in this unique Light, unlike any other.
The method for a Full Moon Cleanse is similar to the Sunlight Cleanse.
However, for the most potency, you will want to embrace a full ceremony overnight with candles, incense, astrological readings, Tarot, sacred plants, or any other spiritual ritual that resonates with you.
Once you have decided to perform a Full Moon Cleanse, determine when the next full moon is. For that, you can refer to a moon phase calendar such as AstroSeek or Time And Date and note when the full moon will rise that day as well.
Sometimes the full moon rises while the Sun is still shining, other times at night.
To limit the energy your crystals receive to only Moonlight, it is best to begin your Full Moon Cleanse after the Sun has set so that the two energies do not become conflicted.
This also ensures that the crystal does receive an excess of sunlight exposure.
How to perform a Full Moon Cleanse:
- Determined when to start the Full Moon Cleanse and which crystals you would like to cleanse and recharge.
- Prepare a spot for your crystals on an area of grass, on dirt, on a ceremonial fabric, on other crystals such as Amethyst beds, or whatever feels right.
- Ensure that your crystals are protected from animals, weather, and passersby as well.
- If necessary, you may consider setting them inside a glass box so that they do not get damaged overnight while you are away from them. Though consider this only as an extreme precaution. Usually, they’ll be fine.
- Finally, begin your ceremony by setting the crystals in their places, performing your sacred rituals, and leaving your crystals to be blessed by the ancient power of the Full Moon overnight.
- The following morning, you will want to make sure that your crystals were not dirtied or damaged and give them a brief rinse under Pure Water.
This method can be used for any stone and is especially useful for:
Precaution should be taken for stones that could be damaged in rain or snow, such as:
- Soft stones
- Selenite
- Kyanite
- Soapstone
- Minerals
- Halite
Pure Water Cleanse

Water is another essential and natural cleansing tool Nature gives us. So it only makes sense to bathe crystals regularly with pure and clean water.
When using this method, try to use natural sources of water such as springs, rivers, streams, or lakes for your cleanses.
A trip out into Nature can make for an excellent ritual when preparing to clean your crystals. These sources of water provide an untouched gift from Mother Nature herself.
They maintain their sacred energetic properties, which can otherwise be altered or even destroyed after being placed into modern water pipes and systems.
If you are unable to find a natural water resource, the water out of your faucet can work as well. But there are additional steps you should take to ensure it’s pure enough for your crystals.
Find out what additional chemicals are present in your tap water reservoir.
Organizations such as the Environmental Working Group provide a useful resource in the United States for viewing everything that is found in your water.
Particles such as fluorine compounds, chlorine, Trihalomethanes, nitrates, and pesticides can make for a less-than-ideal water cleanse.
If you feel your tap water is not suitable for a cleanse, it’s best to filter it before applying it to your crystals.
I also recommend treating your water energetically. This ensures every single molecule is vibrating at the most effective frequency for your crystal’s cleanse.
Water is extremely sensitive and can take on harmful energetic properties when left stagnant in pipes and tanks.
To return the water molecules to their prime state, you may wish to pour the water over gently rounded stones (other than your crystals) resting in a basin.
This is the easiest way to return the water molecules to their original state in Nature.
Scientists have shown that water treated in this way behaves much more potently than untreated water. And, in fact, it provides many health benefits as well!
How to perform a Pure Water Cleanse:
- Find the perfect water for your crystals (as explained above).
- Pour pitches of water on top of your crystals, and simply bathe the crystals inside the water for one to five minutes.
- While doing this, very gently massage the crystals in your hands.
- Speak prayers, mantras, and hold positive intentions in your soul during this time. This will transfer the positive energy needed to fully recharge your crystals.
- Afterward, simply take a towel made of natural fibers and gently pat the crystals down before returning them to their altar or sacred locations.
- Thank the crystals for their work and be blessed by their continued healing properties.
The Pure Water Cleanse method is best used for hard crystals such as:
It should not be used for soft stones such as:
- Selenite
- Amber
- Kyanite
- Soapstone
- Halite
- Pyrite
- Hematite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Calcite
- Malachite
- Howlite
- Turquoise
- Or minerals.
One general rule is that for crystals ending in -ite, we recommend not using this method.
Salt Water Cleanse

Like Pure Water, Salt Water is one of the most essential forms of cleansing and has proved to be very powerful in recharging crystals.
If possible, try to source natural Salt Water from the nearest ocean, sea, or other body of Salt Water.
This ensures that the Salt Water is of the highest quality and retains its natural energetic properties.
However, if you are unable to source natural Salt Water, refer to the Pure Water cleanse above and then consider adding the following types of salts.
While all salts can be useful, it’s best to make sure that other compounds – most notably iodine – have not been added.
Iodine is a common additive in table salt because it binds easy with sodium and does have positive health benefits. However, for your crystals, it’s best to use the purest forms of salt available.
Consider Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt as options to add to your pure water or to apply directly onto your crystals once wet. You don’t need to use a lot of salt here, only a pinch of salt for a bowl of pure water.
How to perform a Salt Water Cleanse:
- Pour the saltwater on top of your crystals.
- Leave them submerged in the saltwater, or sprinkle salt on top of them.
- Let them sit for one to five minutes.
- Afterward, make sure to rinse your crystals with pure water (see above).
- Pat them down with a towel made of natural fibers.
Like the Pure Water Cleanse, the Salt Water Cleanse is best used for hard crystals such as:
It should not be used for soft stones, minerals, porous stones, or any stones which contain trace metals within them:
- Selenite
- Kyanite
- Soapstone
- Turquoise
- Malachite
- Calcite
- Amber
- Azurite
- Topaz
- Moonstone
- Opal
- Red Coral
- Halite
- Pyrite
- Black Tourmaline
- Hematite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Howlite
- Turquoise
Cleanses with Other Crystals

Certain crystals have tremendous absorption capabilities and can be used to extract and collect negative energies from other crystals as well.
For these Crystal Cleansing ceremonies, it’s best to have a crystal explicitly designated for cleansing, usually larger than the others.
Popular crystals used to cleanse other crystals tend to be Selenite slabs, large Black Tourmalines, and beds of Amethyst. Each of these crystals has its unique cleansing powers and can be used alone or with one another. Experiment with each and decide what type works best for you.
When performing a cleanse with one of these other crystals, simply place the crystals needing cleansing on an altar or sacred space prepared with your choice of ceremonial details such as candles, incense, tarot cards, etc.
Stay mindful while you perform the cleansing ceremony, as all of your thoughts will be transferred directly into the crystals.
For Amethyst beds consisting of large clusters of Amethyst packed tightly together, place your other crystals directly atop of the Amethysts. Be careful not to damage them, especially the softer stones, when setting them in contact.
For other crystal cleansers like Selenite and Black Tourmaline, leave your other crystals resting in their places and gently wave the Selenite or Black Tourmaline around their auras. Use your intuition to guide how and where to move your hands.
As you sense the energy being released from the crystals below, decide when is best for the cleansing to end.
A cleansing could take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the energies that you sense are needing to be released.
Once you are done, set your newly cleansed crystals back in their locations and sense whether you need to cleanse your Amethyst, Selenite, or Black Tourmaline as well. You can see below for directions on how to do that.
Sage Cleanse

Sometimes there are specific events or healing sessions that occur with our crystals, which necessitate a more direct, focused cleanse. Sage is best in these situations.
Unlike Pure Water and Salt Water Cleanses, Sage does not provide the complete restoration of your stones due to normal usage.
Instead, Sage removes unhealthy and negative energies that have accumulated inside your stones after a single event.
Examples of these kinds of occasions include using a crystal to remove negative energy or a spirit from the body or setting crystals in a space to ward off wayward etheric beings.
These kinds of occurrences likely result in your crystals collecting and retaining an excess of negative energy inside their core.
Homegrown sage is always the best choice during cleansing sessions. But if you need to purchase your own, consider finding a local grower who practices environmentally-conscious harvesting and who regularly blesses their plants with positive vibrations.
It’s essential to be mindful and conscious of every step along the way during a cleanse as you never know when negative energies can enter into your field.
How to perform a Sage Cleanse:
- Once you have sourced your sage, simply place your crystals in a sacred space or on an altar and light a sprig of sage in a large sacred dish, seashell, or another spiritual container.
- Smudge the space around your crystals by wafting the sage’s smoke gently across the surface of your stones with a feather or your hand.
- Be sure to keep your vibrations elevated during this entire process, imparting only the purest thoughts and frequencies into your crystals. Tune in to the energies resonating within your crystals and use your intuition to feel when the negative energies have departed.
- Feel secure knowing the sage smoke is protecting you as the energies disperse out of your space. As you feel them leave, you may notice your soul releasing any pain or trauma that had been held back as well.
- Give a blessing for your healing process and wish all energies and spirits a joyful transmutation back into the positive energies of the universe.
The Sage Cleanse can be used for any crystal.
Sound Cleanse
Sometimes you may want your crystals to take on a specific vibration for a different season of your life or upcoming event.
In this case, a sound cleanse may be good to consider.
Sound cleanses utilize the healing properties of unique vibrations such as your voice, singing bowls, chimes, bells, kalimbas, flutes, recorders, didgeridoos, or any other instrument which can produce a long, healing tone.
Think of your crystals like energetic sponges during a Sound Cleanse.
Decide which tones you want to impart directly into their energetic cores by first sitting with the tone yourself and noticing how it resonates inside of you.
Sometimes you may want to feel the lightness of spring. A flute or recorder can convey the joys of birdsong and lift the energies of you and your gemstones.
Other times you may want to feel bolstered and protected spiritually during a long winter. The sound of a didgeridoo can add strength and resolve directly to your crystals.
When performing a Sound Cleanse, it’s often good to prepare your space with ritual intentions.
How to perform a Sound Cleanse:
- Arrange the crystals you wish to receive the Sound Cleanse in a sacred space or on an altar.
- Remove any other crystals into another room that won’t be disturbed.
- Display your crystals in a beautiful, symmetrical pattern. Light candles, incense, or any other celebratory fires and prepare for the sacred sound with mindfulness and blessings for the space.
- When you’re ready, begin the Sound Cleanse using whatever means you want.
- Expect to continue for between 30-45 minutes, always using your intuition to know when it is best to stop.
Afterward, your crystals will be recharged with the unique vibrations of the instrument’s sound residing in their core.
The Sound Cleanse can be used with any stone.
Rice Cleanse

For times when you need to remove negative energies from your crystals, but you may not have the time to perform a full ceremony, a Rice Cleanse can be your best option.
How to perform a Rice Cleanse:
- Pour dry, uncooked rice into a container such as a bowl or ceremonial dish.
- Bury your crystal in the center of the rice mound, so that it is covered entirely on all sides.
- Let it sit for 24 hours before removing it from the container.
Note that it is best not to eat the rice. The negative energies it has pulled out of your crystal are now embedded in its fibers.
As an additional note, the best kind of rice to use for a Rice Cleanse is open for interpretation.
Many Western healers state that brown rice is the preferred variety of rice. That is because it has received the least amount of processing between harvest and use.
Many indigenous cultures and Eastern cultures, however, prefer using white rice in ceremonial settings because of its symbol of purity and its ability to better absorb the energies around it.
Use your intuition to feel what variety of rice works best for you. And as always try to use ethically grown resources to help protect our planet.
The Rice Cleanse can be used with any type of crystal.
How to Cleanse Specific Crystals
As stated above, crystals such as Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite, and Black Tourmaline are frequently used to clear away negative energies from other crystals.
Some healers believe that these crystals do not need to be cleansed themselves. But I tend to think that all crystals need to be cleansed from time to time.
This is because, like sponges, our crystals simply cannot take in endless negative energies for cleansing, so we must empty them. Below are points to keep in mind when cleansing these specific crystals.
Quartz and Amethyst
Quartz and Amethyst are two incredibly powerful stones, and both withstand many forms of contact.
They are both great stones to use when cleansing other stones. Particularly in a large Quartz or Amethyst bed or geode.
When it comes time to cleanse your Quartz or Amethyst, you can feel safe using any of the methods described above.
However, I tend to prefer the Pure Water Cleanse and the Full Moon Cleanse as both of these energies align well with Quartz and Amethyst’s elementals.
As a gentle reminder, leaving any stone in direct sunlight for longer than a half an hour, or submerged in water for longer than five minutes is not encouraged and could cause the Quartz or Amethyst to fade.
Many of us use Selenite crystals, rods, and towers to perform the cleansing of other crystals within our collections. But Selenite certainly needs cleansing and recharging as well.
Selenite is a soft stone mineral and dissolves in water within minutes, so you will certainly not want to use the Pure Water Cleanse on this precious crystal.
If your Selenite gets dirty, or you would like to clean it physically, a quick rinse will not hurt it too much, though you will not want to leave it wet for longer than a minute.
Some healers describe accidents when entire Selenite stones dissolve when left in water for 30 minutes.
Instead of Pure Water or Salt Water Cleanses, you will want to make use of other methods of cleansing and charging your Selenite, such as Sound Cleanses, Rice Cleanses, Sage Cleanses, and especially Full Moon Cleanses.
Selenite naturally resonates with the energy of the moon. So letting it recharge in its Light is a natural way for it to return to its original state.
Keeping your Selenite clean and charged in this way ensures that it can be used without interruption for the cleansing and charging of all your other crystals.
Black Tourmaline
Like Selenite, Black Tourmaline is one of the most popular crystals to perform cleanses with, yet it needs to be cleansed, too.
Unlike Selenite, Black Tourmaline can withstand contact with water without dissolving, so performing the Pure Water Cleanse with it is very effective.
However, it does not do well with Salt Water, so avoid using this method with it.
I generally recommend Sunlight and Pure Water Cleanses when charging and cleansing Black Tourmalines.
However, follow your intuition on how long and what method your Black Tourmaline may need to be recharged and cleansed. Experiment with different varieties of cleanses and see what works best for you.
What is the Difference between a Crystal Cleansing and a Charging?
In general, cleansing a crystal refers to the extraction of negative energies and the healing of your crystal after prolonged exposure to negative energies. This can happen for all sorts of reasons.
Simply leaving your crystal resting for long periods, or using them in dedicated, specific cleansing rituals on your body or the body of your clients can absorb this type of energy and make it necessary to have it cleansed.
Pure water Cleanses, Sage Cleanses, and Rice Cleanses focus on this type of healing of your crystals.
On the other hand, the charging of your crystals refers to taking an already healthy crystal and imparting it with a particular vibration or frequency from another source of energy.
For this, think of how the Sun has the capability of charging a solar panel.
Similarly, by setting your crystal in sunlight, it can gather and store energy from the Sun for use in future cleansings. Other sources of energy that can be used for powerful chargings of a crystal are Moonlight, Salt Water, and Sound.
While some healers clearly distinguish between cleansing crystals and charging crystals, I believe any method has elements of both cleansing and charging capabilities within it.
Every source of energy is a vibration, and vibration both cleans and charges.
So, it’s best to experiment with different methods to see how your unique crystals respond to them and find what methods work best for you.
Which Crystals Do Not Need Cleansing?
Within the crystal community, there is some debate over whether certain crystals need to be cleansed or charged at all.
Particularly Selenite and Black Tourmaline have many healers believing that due to their unique Nature as cleanser stones themselves that they don’t need to be cleansed.
However, with my experience, this does not seem to be true. All crystals need cleansing and recharging from time to time.
Using your intuition, you can sense when certain stones have lost some of their positive, healing energies.
Perhaps you’ve had a crystal for some time now, and it has become more of a piece of furniture rather than an actual healing gemstone.
Or, perhaps you have had to use a crystal during a particularly difficult period of your life, and it now contains within it many of the energies you cleansed from your own energetic body.
In any case, it is best to perform cleanses on your stones regularly or whenever you feel that they need to be cared for and nurtured.
Remember that our crystals represent friendships between ourselves and the unique spirits contained inside of them.
So, cleansing them not only ensures that they stay at optimum health and potency. But it also assures them and us that we truly value the services that they are performing for us.
A cleanse, in this sense, is a blessing and a thank you for the work that they are providing.
Which Crystals Should Not Get Wet?
As a reminder, any crystal left submerged in water for too long can receive permanent damage to its structure and surface.
I recommend that when using the Pure Water Cleanse of the Salt Water Cleanse that crystals not be left in water for longer than 5 minutes. A full cleanse can be accomplished in as little as one minute using these methods.
Also, there are some crystals that I recommend not having touch water at all. Or if it must be cleaned by water, at least to minimize the contact with water to only a few seconds before having it dry off.
These crystals are soft stones such as:
- Selenite
- Amber
- Kyanite
- Soapstone
- Halite
- Pyrite
- Hematite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Calcite
- Malachite
- Howlite
- Turquoise
- Or minerals
One general rule is that for crystals ending in -ite, I recommend not using water.
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